Near miss obstetrics events in south Punjab, Pakistan


  • Rida Iqbal Nishtar Hospital, Multan , Pakistan Author
  • Rabia Rehman Nishtar Hospital, Multan , Pakistan Author



Anemia, Hemorrhage, Obstetrical events, Near miss, Sepsis


Objective: to evaluate the characteristic of near miss obstetrical cases in tertiary care hospital.

 Methodology: Cross sectional study  was conducting in intensive care unit and Labor room Nishtar Hospital Multan from May 2020 to May 2021. Patients were informed about the study's purpose was explained to patients. The study focused on women presenting with life-threatening maternal complications who met the WHO near-miss criteria, which includes clinical, management-based, and laboratory parameters for identification.

Results: Regarding complications, sepsis and anemia were the most frequent, affecting 32.1% and 29.2% of patients, respectively. Mean hospital duration was 5.51 days, with the majority of patients (3-5 days) falling within this range. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that both surgical procedure and diagnosis acted as confounders for complications.

Conclusions: The near miss concept efficiently uncovers association and similarities among women characteristics who survived pregnancy-related life-threatening complications, with a most of patients reported from rural residential areas.




How to Cite

Rida Iqbal, & Rabia Rehman. (2023). Near miss obstetrics events in south Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Medical Scholars , 1(02), 13-18.