Horizontal mattress suture for intestinal anastomosis
Objective: Investigating the use of a new horizontal mattress suture anastomosis technique for patients who have undergone emergency or elective intestinal anastomosis.
Methods: In this prospective study a total of 200 patients were included in the study, 100 managed with horizontal mattress suturing technique and 100 were treated with traditional double layer method. Main variables of study were anastomosis time, hospital stay, CRP, post-operative infection, anastomosis leakage, reintervention and readmission in hospital.
Results: The mean anastomosis time of traditional 2 layer patients was greater than horizontal mattress suture patients as 19.68±2.01 minutes and 13.67±2.38 minutes, respectively. (p<0.010). Regular diet tolerated within POD 4, CRP at POD 5 and postoperative hospital stay in both the groups were almost equal, (p>0.010).
Conclusion: Horizontal mattress suture is simpler and associated with fewer complications, it may lead to shorter postoperative hospital stays in patients who were planned for intestinal anastomosis/laparotomy either emergency or elective. This could be beneficial for both patients and healthcare providers by reducing costs and the risk of hospital-acquired infections.