Journals and Publications

MedTeach Private Limited Publications

Contributing to Medical Knowledge Through Rigorous Research and Scholarly Publications

In MedTeach Private Limited, it is our mission to not just facilitate medical teaching but also to constantly add our quota to the development of medical education as a science. To this end, MedTeach is privileged to sponsor two major scholarly journals that advance empirically grounded practice, research, and scholarly enquiry in the medical profession.

1. IJMS – International Journal of Medical Scholars

The International Journal of Medical Scholars (IJMS) is a Bimonthly, online, double blinded, peer reviewed and open access journal published by MedTeach Private Limited Company. As such, it is a professional journal where medical practitioners, researchers and scholars contribute original articles, case reports, review articles, and essays spanning various fields of medicine. The developed journal aims at the discussions and the distribution of significant knowledge that can impact medical practices at the international level.

Key Features of IJMS:

  • Double-Blind Peer Review: IJMS strictly follows double blind peer review process for all the submitted manuscripts and only the quality and significant research article is published. Such a process contributes to the academic credibility of the journal with the highest standards of quality.

  • Open Access: To enable easy access of research findings by the wider medical fraternity, IJMS is an open access journal where it is possible to access articles for free. This is useful in putting effective remedy to the difference which separates the developed nations from the developing in terms of accessing crucial medical information.

  • Diverse Research Topics: IJMS considers manuscripts from all clinical specialties in medicine as well as in public health, medical education, biostatistics, health policy and medical technologies. It is the authors’ intention that the journal targets a broad range of specialties within the field of medicine.

  • Global Reach: IJMS has received articles and readership from across the globe and exists to connect scholars from diverse parts of the world.

Popular Article Categories:

  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses

  • Clinical trials and experimental studies

  • Case reports and series

  • Medical education and healthcare policy

  • Biomedical sciences and technology

Through the publication Of IJMS, MedTeach aims to enhance knowledge and competence of health care providers through the provision of up to date information in medicine.

2. MJSP – Medical Journal of South Punjab.

This year another known journal is published by MedTeach Private Limited known as the Medical Journal of South Punjab (MJSP). MJSP is an international, double blinded, peer reviewed, open access biannual journal committed to enhance formulation of medicine from basic and applied sciences. It provides the venue for the dissemination of relevant knowledge that the medical, academic, and research communities in and out of Southern Punjab can apply in their practice.

Key Features of MJSP:

Focus on Multidisciplinary Research: MJSP also welcomes contribution that covers almost all the specialties of medicine, from basic sciences in medicine to clinical medicine, surgery to primary and secondary health care management. It also explains why the journal is genuinely multidisciplinary and covers all the aspects that can be interesting to healthcare professionals.

High Editorial Standards: Like the IJMS, the MJSP also takes hold of the double blind peer reviewing system in order to standards of the articles published. The editorial board is made up of highly qualified clinicians, researchers, and academicians who endow the journal with lots of knowledge.

Accessibility: As for resources available for readers, google buy is freely available to all readers globally, this assists those professional practicing in the developing region to access the latest information on research without having to pay for it.

Regional Impact with Global Standards: While MJSP focuses on medical topics related to South Punjab, and the wider region, it conforms to and international journal and invites submissions from scholars globally. This enables the journal to respond to regional specific healthcare issues as it shapes them from a global perspective.

Popular Article Categories:

  • Clinical case studies

  • Reviews of surgical techniques

  • Innovations in healthcare technologies

  • Comparative studies in medicine and healthcare

  • Public health and epidemiology research

MJSP is an important database for medical practitioners and organizations as it delivers the state of the art information and supports exchange of knowledge that defines contemporary medicine.