Pain Perception between local infiltration and inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) injection techniques in patients undergoing orthodontic lower premolar extractions


  • Aiman Shah Agha Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Maqsood Ahmed Siddiqui Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College/Hospital, Sukkur, Pakistan
  • Muzaffar Shah Umair Dow University Hospital, Karachi Pakistan
  • Adnan Sukkarwalla Dow University of health Sciences, Karachi Pakistan
  • Tahir Shoaib Dow dental college (DUHS), Karachi, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Raza Qureshi Niazi Medical College, Sargodha, Pakistan



Objective: to compare the effectiveness of local anesthesia delivered via IANB and local infiltration techniques specifically for lower premolar teeth extraction in the context of orthodontic treatment.

Methodology: Randomized clinical trial was conducted at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Niazi Medical College, Sargodha, Pakistan, spanning six months from January 2023 to June 2023. The study included patients aged 12 to 25, of any gender, referred for extraction of lower premolars due to any orthodontic issue and therapeutic reason.

Results: Mean pain score in the time of extracting the teeth by using Wong-Baker faces pain rating scale and mean pain score in the time of extracting the teeth using visual analogue scale (VAS) for Group A and Group B was 2.32±0.62 and 2.38±0.58 and 1.55±0.55 and 1.53±0.54, respectively.

Conclusion: Infiltration technique is simpler, offering shorter and sufficient anesthesia compared to IANB. It's easier and more comfortable for patients, avoiding collateral innervations and nerve harm. Injection of local infiltration is comparatively less painful and as effective as nerve block for lower premolar orthodontic extractions, making it a routine choice.


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