Frequency of Deranged Coagulation Profile in Patients having Pregnancy Induced Hypertension


  • Rabia Rehman Senior Registrar, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nishtar Hospital ,Multan, Pakistan
  • Shazia Siddiq Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Genecology, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, Pakistan
  • Asiya Rehman Consultant Gynecologist, Kawaja Fareed Hospital, Multan, Pakistan
  • Shahid Irshad Rao Professor of Obstetrics and Genecology, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, Pakistan



Coagulation Profile, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia


Objective: To evaluate the frequency of deranged coagulation profile in patients having pregnancy induced hypertension.

Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional Study

Place and Duration: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nishtar Hospital Multan, from 10 July 2016 to 31 December 2017

Methodology: A total number of 540 patients were involved in the study. Sample was collected with the help of non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Patients were divided into three groups, pregnancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia. Following variables were calculated and assessed, age, gravidity. Parity, gestational age, diagnosis of eclampsia or preeclampsia, platelet count, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, serum fibrinogen and serum albumin. Data thus obtained was subjected to statistical analysis which was performed by a computer software SPSS version 23. Frequency and percentage was calculated for qualitative variables while mean and standard deviation was calculated for quantitative variables. Chi square test was applied to assess the association among different variables and p value less than or equal to 0.05 was taken as significant.

Results: Frequency of low platelet count, low serum fibrinogen level, prolonged PT and prolonged aPTT in PIH group was 45.7%, 4.3%, 2.9% and 2.9% respectively. Frequency of low platelet count, low serum fibrinogen level, prolonged PT and prolonged aPTT in preeclampsia group was 39.4%, 8.7%, 5.1% and 4.2% respectively. Frequency of low platelet count, low serum fibrinogen level, prolonged PT and prolonged aPTT in eclampsia was 52.8%, 12%, 7.5% and 5.1% respectively.

Conclusion: This study concludes that derangement in clotting profile occurred in certain percentage of patients suffering from preeclampsia and frequency of derangement was significant.


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